

Fathers presence in the mother’s life is essential. It is going to be hard to be as excited as mom is, however being involved and interested matters. You can help by genuinely paying close attention and asking thoughtful questions. The first visit is memorable, so are the ultrasounds and the “prenatal-birthing” classes. Dads be aware that going to the appointments is very significant for moms and the ultrasound visits are very important dates. If unable to attend, call mom to keep in touch.

Weight gain can be difficult for mothers your kind support is invaluable. Pelvic exams can be surprisingly uncomfortable, there is no way to prepare for these, just be aware and praise yourself for your warrior spirit! Physical expressions, sexual activity and affective demonstrations may shift and the reasons have been written extensively elsewhere. Talking about these changes in a caring and compassionate manner will make a lovely difference.

Because secondhand smoke is very damaging for the baby all smoking inside your home has to stop immediately. Consult with your doctor and local programs if you need support with cigarette smoke cessation, or reducing other addictive-compulsive behaviors .

Feeling left out, even incompetent may be experienced just be assured that your presence is crucial to the baby and the mother. Inevitably, during pregnancy moms are the center of most of the medical attentions for very many good reasons. Take care of yourself if you feel ignored, this feeling will be transitory. In the case of some parents prediction of involvement may include, the father’s (gestational involvement) age, financial resources, employment, housing, perception of self, mental health wellness, institutionalization betrayals, incarceration history, criminal records.

During the final line, those days closest to her “due date”, spend time together and  help mom be as calm and content as possible. On the day of and during her delivery, ask mom “What do you need from me?”, “How can I help you?” be mindful of HER.

The birthing of your baby is a big occasion, welcome the baby, this little person will change your life forever. At the end even if you and the mother are both supportive and involved the real star is the BABY.


Dad’s Pregnancy Intention Board

Avoid gender expectations and encourage mom to keep an open mind as well

  • Inform yourself
  • If possible go to the first, or most pre-natal appointments and ultrasounds
  • Be very attentive if mom has gestational diabetes, or other prenatal problems, including weight gain
  • Meet your-mom-baby’s medical team and ask questions   
  • Attend the birthing classes with mom
  • Work together
  • Prepare emotionally
  • Ask about your parental employee benefits
  • Discuss your concerns and ask mom about hers
  • Stay healthy all 3
  • Ask her what is it that she needs on a regular basis
  • Stay active and eager, be a proactive coach
  • Ask frequently about the baby and mom, stay present and mindful
  • Plan for the delivery with mom and the medical team a month in advance the due date
  • Buy all the essentials a month before birthing (i.e., crib or bassinette, car seat, stroller, hospital bag)
  • Babysitting arrangements if there are other children at home
  • Discuss the transportation to the hospital, including a backup plan
  • Agree on who will be in the delivery room, mom will have the upper hand here, sorry dad!

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

–Author Unknown